I've successfully increased my productivity in the last 3 months and so can you. What I've Learned: Busy ≠ Productive The ability to narrow your focus is a superpower saving you time, effort, and money. Here are 10 ways you can stop being busy and more productive: 1. Lists : Everyone has them, let's make them better. First : -Separate items into two groups -Immediate = Take action now -Passive = Not time sensitive Second : -Focus on "Immediate" items first -These are items that move the needle -Push towards the end goal -Highest ROI 2. Inversion Thinking: Work through problems backward. -Avoid rather than achieve -Most problems are caused by something we are already doing, not something we need to do -Most people = How do I lose weight? -Inversion Thinkers = What am I doing to not lose weight? 3. Decrease Activation Energy : Energy required to start = Probability of starting. -Walk before you run -Stuck on a large complex task? -Break it down into ...